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Settore scientifico disciplinare di riferimento
Università degli Studi della TUSCIA
Struttura di afferenza
Dipartimento di
DEB - Dipartimento di Scienze Ecologiche e Biologiche
Orari di ricevimento
mercoledì h 11:00 (inviare email per appuntamento)
Adriana Bellati was born in 1982. She graduated in Natural Science (MSc) in 2008 at the University of Parma (Italy) and she got the Ph.D. degree in 2012 at the University of Pavia (Italy). Between 2013 and 2020 she owned six post-doctoral positions at the Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences of the University of Pavia (Italy). Since 10th January 2022, she is Research Fellow (RTDB) in Zoology (SSD BIO-05) at the Department of Ecological and Biological Sciences (University of Tuscia, Viterbo, Italy). She taught the course of Alien species and animal biodiversity in 2020 at the University of Pavia (MSc in Natural Sciences) and currently teaches the course of Biological environmental monitoring at the University of Tuscia (BSc in Biological and Environmental Sciences). To date, she has supervised more than 30 MSc and BSc thesis, including one PhD student.
Since 2017, she got qualified by the Italian Ministry of Education and Research for the position of Associate Professor (SC 05/B1 ZOOLOGY AND ANTROPOLOGY – SSD BIO/05 ZOOLOGY).
She has strong interest in biodiversity conservation. She investigates the remote and proximate drivers of biological diversification and ecological adaptation in time and space, with a special focus on reptiles, amphibians and arthropods, being focused on species evolution, species delimitation methods, identification of candidate new species and lineages for conservation and intraspecific variation by means of molecular and ecological approaches. She has long-lasting fieldwork experience in temperate (Europe) and tropical (Costa Rica, Seychelles) regions, and she is very skilled in animal handling and breeding, particularly reptiles and amphibians.
She is skilled in molecular and bioinformatic tools for phylogenetics, phylogeography and population genetics. More recently, she is approaching genomic techniques to disclose molecular basis of intraspecific phenotypic variation and adaptive response of wild animal populations. Besides her main research subject, she has acquired skills in vertebrate physiology, haematological and coloration analysis.
Recently, she is mostly focused on the effects of human-mediated disturbance on wild animal populations (i.e. alien species introduction and environmental pollution). Particularly, she is interested in ecological response of sentinel organisms to biotic and abiotic stressors, as a proxy of environmental quality.
She collaborates with several international research groups based in CIBIO-InBIO (Centro de Investigação em Biodiversidade and Recursos Genéticos, University of Porto, Portugal), the Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales of Madrid (Spain) and the Istituto de Biologìa Evolutiva of Barcelona (Spain).
Within national borders, she collaborates with public institutions (National History Museums, National Parks) and productive academic groups skilled in ecotoxicology (University of Milano-Bicocca, Milano, Italy).
The results of her research have been published in international peer-reviewed scientific journals like PNAS, Environmental Pollution and Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution and presented in national and international congresses. At present, she has authored 28 scientific papers.
She has been involved as team member in several research projects funded by national and international public institutions, private foundations and private companies. She also been the Principal Investigator of some research projects dealing with the study of genomic interactions between alien and native amphibian taxa and the Scientific coordinator of some applied projects concerning, e.g. the genetic monitoring of reptile populations for damage prevention of private companies and the genetic assignment of candidate individuals for the restocking of wild population of endangered species (Testudo hermanni). Information and data gained by her research have supported public authorities to orienteer conservation actions for the protection of threatened species and natural ecosystems.
She is Associate Editor for the international scientific journal Acta Herpetologica and The European Zoological Journal, and she is referee for the peer-review journals Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, Scientific Reports, Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, BMC Evolutonary Biology, Oecologia, PLoS ONE, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, BioInvasion Records, Biological Invasions, ZooKeys, Current Zoology, Amphibia Reptilia, Acta Herpetologica, Molecular and Cellular Probes, Herpetological Journal, Hydrobiologia, Mitochondrial DNA, Hystrix, Turkish Journal of Zoology, The European Journal of Zoology. She was in the scientific committees of the Italian Congress of Herpetology organized by the Societas Herpetologica Italica (SHI) in 2014 (Genova), 2016 (Trento) and 2020 (Lipari).
She is member of the International Association for Open Knowledge on Invasive Alien Species (INVASIVESNET).
She received scientific award for a research project in amphibian conservation granted by the European Society of Herpetology in 2017.
Scientific activity globally led to the publication of 30 full-length articles (28 in journals included in the Scopus or Web of Science databases), 3 technical sheets, 1 book chapter, 50 communication or poster abstracts at conferences.
H-index (Scopus) = 12
Scopus Author ID: 37090230400
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Current affiliation information:
Department of Ecological and Biological Sciences (DEB)
Tuscia University
L.go dell’Università, snc, 01100, Viterbo
Istitutional email: